Meet Jeffrey R. Pickering Jeffrey R. Pickering is a former catcher, veteran philanthropy executive, and lifelong surfer. He is a TEDx Speaker and published author of “Better at the Broken Places,” a powerful story he wrote to recover from the trauma of childhood sexual abuse, to help other survivors, and to affect change in systems that continue to protect child sex abusers from prosecution. He is married to Stephanie Brooks Pickering and father to Colin, Olivia, and Grant.
What is your involvement with Florida Philanthropic Network? What influenced you to join?
Name one thing you find special about the Florida philanthropic community.
Are there any partnerships or collaborations you have found most meaningful to you in the last year?
What's the biggest challenge you've faced with your philanthropic efforts? How have you overcome them?
What fuels your cup- in life and at work?
Can you share one piece of advice you would give to someone considering a career in philanthropy?
"Learn how to be an expert listener and how to practice empathy. The three most important words I use in my work as a trusted philanthropic advisor are “Tell me more.”