Meet Susie Bowie
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What is your involvement with Florida Philanthropic Network? What influenced you to join?
Name one thing you find special about the Florida philanthropic community.
What are you most excited about in your new role as CEO at the Selby Foundation?
One thing you hope to accomplish over the next year?
What's the biggest challenge you've face with your philanthropic efforts? How have you overcome them?
What fuels your cup- in life and at work?
Can you share one piece of advice you would give to someone considering a career in philanthropy?
"A piece of advice someone shared with me years ago in a fellowship program has always remained relevant. When you are fortunate enough to gain a rare position working in philanthropy, never forget your responsibility. You can never afford to be comfortable with the status quo, rest in your quest to do better, or think your role or station has greater significance than anyone else."