Advancing Census Data Equity for Native American Communities Virtual Briefing

  • Monday, April 29, 2024
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

A Virtual Briefing for Practitioners, Funders, and Philanthropy-Serving Organizations

Given the unique government to government relationships with tribes and the significant undercount of Native Americans both on reservations and in urban areas work is beginning now to shape the U.S. Census Bureau’s operations and cooperation with the tribes and urban Indian agencies.

Census Equity Initiative (CEI) and the cosponsors below invite you to a virtual briefing to share information about the importance of decennial census and American Community Survey (ACS) data for American Indians and Alaska Natives, particular causes and implications of the persistent undercount and growing concerns with the quality of data in the ACS when it comes to Native American communities. Experts will discuss the Census Bureau operations and gaps in federal data collection and analysis which undermines AIAN data equity. Advocates will discuss what they are doing to organize their communities and improve planning for the 2030 census and ACS operations. 

Confirmed speakers

  • Ahtza Dawn Chavez (Executive Director, Naeva)
  • Janeen Comenote (Executive Director, National Urban Indian Family Coalition)
  • Saundra Mitrovich (Manager, External Engagement/Civic Engagement Lead, National Congress of American Indians)
  • Jacqueline De León (Senior Staff Attorney, Native American Rights Fund
  •  Rob Maxim (Fellow, Brookings Metro)
  •  Sarah Jaynes, Executive Director of the Heartland Fund will be facilitate the conversation.

This briefing is co-sponsored by

Arab American Institute, Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC, Census Counts, Coalition on Human Needs, Funders' Committee for Civic Participation, Florida Philanthropic Network, Georgia Redistricting Alliance, Georgetown Center on Poverty & Inequality, Minnesota Council on Foundations, Minnesotans for the American Community Survey & 2030 Census, Native Americans in Philanthropy, National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), NCAI Foundation, SC Counts, States COUNT Action Network, State Voices, Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, and W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Please note that advance registration is required. A final agenda, background materials, and log-in details will be shared with approved registrants in advance of the briefing.


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