The Chronicle of Philanthropy, the premier source of news, information, analysis, and opinion in the nonprofit world, is growing its coverage of philanthropy and the social sector and seeking out new perspectives, diverse voices, and story ideas. Join longtime Chronicle leader Stacy Palmer to learn more about how the publication is expanding, to share your ideas for how the Chronicle can best serve the social sector, and to offer your suggested story ideas.
Featured Speaker
Stacy Palmer
Chief Executive of the Chronicle of Philanthropy
Stacy helped found the Chronicle in 1988, when it was started by the Chronicle of Higher Education, Inc. She has served as its top editor since 1996.
Under Stacy’s leadership the organization has evolved from its roots as a biweekly newspaper for social-sector professionals into an organization that offers a monthly magazine, robust news, advice, and opinion sections, and a host of webinars, briefings, and other services.
In addition, she helped forge a partnership with the Associated Press and the Conversation designed to educate the public about the nonprofit world and to establish a fellowship program to coach local journalists to provide more sustained and sophisticated coverage of nonprofits and foundations.
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