September  Member  Spotlight  |  Meet  the  team

This month, we’re shifting the spotlight to a few of our team members behind the Florida Philanthropic Network.

Ashley Dietz
President and CEO

How long have you been with Florida Philanthropic Network?

“I have been President and CEO of FPN for 4 years, but have lived and worked in the Tampa Bay community since 2016.”

Describe a few of your professional accomplishments in the past year with Florida Philanthropic Network.

“In the past year, FPN has continued to sustain growth as an organization with an overall 37 percent growth since I joined in 2020. I’ve been able to secure over 2.3 million in outside funding, including a 1.5 million dollar grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation focusing on Education in our state, including Tampa Bay. We also grew our team of staff and consultants from 5 to over 15.”

Geula Ferguson
Vice President, Programs and Strategic Initiatives

What do you do in your current role?

“As Vice President, I provide vision and oversight for all FPN educational programs and learning initiatives as well as support for our strategic partnerships."

Describe your work experience prior to working with Florida Philanthropic Network.

“I served as Interim Executive Director of Donors Forum of South Florida, a regional association of grantmakers that merged with FPN in 2012. Formerly the marketing director for a technology company, I joined Donors Forum as a special events coordinator in 2006. After two years as the Special Projects Coordinator, I worked at the Sun Sentinel News in Education program as the development coordinator”

Laura Harwin
Manager, Grants and Administration

What involvement have you had in fundraising?

“I served in various fundraising positions at Japan Society, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Shakespeare Theatre Company and consulted various nonprofit organizations on their fundraising efforts.”

How did you get started in your career?

“I started in advertising and marketing working for a large advertising agency and dot com start-up after graduating with a BA in Psychology from Northwestern University. From there, I  transitioned into marketing and business development for a national nonprofit association before obtaining an MA in Arts Administration from Teachers College, Columbia University which ultimately launched my career in nonprofit management.”

Florida Philanthropic Network © 2020 - 2025
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